
How to build a strong foundation in children?

Basic characteristics which anyone expects from a human being are that, one should be able to differentiate between ethical or unethical act. It is very important to be ethical than a lawful as per the law of land. Because there may be conditions where law permits, but ethics don't; so one should be wise enough to act ethically.

Now the question is how to develop ethics in children?

The answer is in the basics of mankind; if a person understands that his/her acts are observed and witnessed by someone, so the possibility of doing any unethical act can be minimal by them. Now, again a question arise, how a child will accept that he/she is being observed or witnessed by someone? Well, we all know that we all are creation of Lord or GOD; all our acts are recorded and on the basis of our act we will get pleasure or pain in our life. If parents are able to make the child understand this equation that an ethical act will give you pleasure in life and unethical act will give pain in your life. Then they are able to develop basic characteristics of a professional in your child and possibility of being preferred by the professional world is high. “The person who understands Lord or God will never choose an unethical path”. Most of the time colleague preferred to work with a person who is ethically right.

I believe that, you all will also prefer to work with or buy something from a person who is ethically right.


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