Parent’s FAQ
How to build a strong foundation in children?
Basic characteristics which anyone expects from a human being are that, one should be able to differentiate between ethical or unethical act. It is very important to be ethical than a lawful as per the law of land. Because there may be conditions where law permits, but ethics don't; so one should be wise enough to act ethically.
Now the question is how to develop ethics in children?
The answer is in the basics of mankind; if a person understands that his/her acts are observed and witnessed by someone, so the possibility of doing any unethical act can be minimal by them. Now, again a question arise, how a child will accept that he/she is being observed or witnessed by someone? Well, we all know that we all are creation of Lord or GOD; all our acts are recorded and on the basis of our act we will get pleasure or pain in our life. If parents are able to make the child understand this equation that an ethical act will give you pleasure in life and unethical act will give pain in your life. Then they are able to develop basic characteristics of a professional in your child and possibility of being preferred by the professional world is high. “The person who understands Lord or God will never choose an unethical path”. Most of the time colleague preferred to work with a person who is ethically right.
I believe that, you all will also prefer to work with or buy something from a person who is ethically right.
Which 3 effective habits should be developed in children?
A habit is something which generally develops in childhood; it is very difficult to change any habit later on. So what are the habits which should be developed in childhood?
Habit 1 – Wake up early in the morning
The most essential habit of an effective professional is waking up early in the morning (between 4-5 am) but the most important one should take at least 6-8 hours of sound sleep also. Everybody has 24 hours in a day; it’s a way of utilization which differentiates effective and ineffective person.
- The one who wakes up early in the morning plan their day, whereas one who wakes up late are driven by others all the day.
- Get extra time for doing many things like – exercise, yoga, chanting & meditation (exercise is one of the most effective habits), pending work, gardening, etc.
- Most important, you get time for yourself; talking with self is the most satisfying activity which gives mental peace to anybody.
- Time for updating yourself by reading, hearing or watching good content.
Habit 2 – Habit of reading, hearing or watching purposeful content
Books are one your best friend, but now a days due to enhancement in technology audio book and video content are also available which can be used to get or update knowledge. It is very important to cultivate your mind with purposeful content. Your conducts are output of what you read, hear or watch. You will get what you sow.
If you try to understand the most common habit which the most effective peoples have, you will come to know that its reading and updating themselves all the time with the changing scenario of the modern world, whether its technology, economy, politics, etc.
- Unbiased knowledge and suggestion
- Get updated all the time
- Focused learning
Habit 3 – Exercise, yoga, meditation & chanting
In this competitive world, it is very important to be physically and mentally strong to cope up with the challenges of professional environments. It is scientifically proved that exercise, yoga, meditation & chanting helps in developing and stabling physical and mental health. It’s a habit of all the effective people they takeout some time for physical and mental health.
- Physical & mental fitness
- Reduction in stress
- Maintaining metabolism
- Increase in energy level
Apart from above 3 habits effective peoples have many more like: Process driven, eat healthy, don’t waste time, avoid television, have a strong network, etc.
If parents are able to develop above 3 habits in their children’s they will help in creating a strong foundation for their children and help them to deal the professional world like a king.
The quality of the fruits depends on how we water the roots.
How to know your child’s aptitude?
अपने बच्चे की योग्यता कैसे पहचाने?
बच्चे की योग्यता जानने से पहले ये जानना जरुरी है कि योग्यता का अर्थ क्या है? व्यक्ति के किसी काम को करने की क्षमता को योग्यता कहा जाता है। सभी प्राणी की योग्यता एक जैसी नहीं हो सकती, उदाहरण के लिए मछली उड़ नहीं सकती, हाथी पेड़ पर चढ़ नहीं सकता, हर कोई सचिन की तरह बैटिंग नहीं कर सकता, सचिन ऋतिक की तरह डांस नहीं कर सकता; क्योकि हर एक प्राणी की क्षमता होती है किसी विशेष काम को करने की।
आमतौर पर बच्चो की योग्यता 14 वर्ष तक विकसित हो जाती है। 14 वर्ष के उपरांत बच्चे अपनी योग्यता पर दक्षता पाने के लिए अभ्यास करते है। अमूमन 14-15 वर्षो के उपरांत किसी की योग्यता का विकास (विशेष परिस्थिति को छोड़ कर) नहीं देखा गया है।
अब, यह कैसे जाने की हमारे बच्चे में क्या विशेष योग्यता है?
हम अपने बच्चे की योग्यता को अपनी अपेक्षाओं के कारण नजरअंदाज करते है। हम जानते है की हमारे बच्चे की रूचि किसमे है, वह कौन सा काम अच्छे से कर सकता है; पर हम बच्चे को उसकी रूचि का काम नहीं करने देते। अब आप बच्चे की मनोस्थिति को समझने की कोशिश करिये, आप जो बच्चे से उम्मीद कर रहे है उसकी योग्यता विकसित करने में 14 वर्ष तक आपने उसकी मदद नहीं की और बच्चे ने 14 वर्ष में खुद से जो योग्यता विकसित की उसमे आप बच्चे को दक्षता पाने में भी मदद नहीं कर रहे हैं, ऊपर से अपनी अपेक्षा बच्चो में और डाल रहे हैं अब बच्चा वो कर रहा है जिसमे वह योग्य नहीं है मतलब आप कह रहे हैं, मछली उड़, और आप ये भी कहते है की मेरे बच्चे मेरे पड़ोसी के बच्चों कि तरह नहीं है।
यदि आप ये नहीं जानते कि आपके बच्चे ने 14 वर्ष तक कौन सी योग्यता विकसित कर ली है जिसमे वह दक्षता पा ले तो उसके सफल होने की संभावना बढ़ जाएगी? तो उसके लिए आप ऑनलाइन psychology या aptitude test बच्चे का करा सकते है या आप किसी psychology एक्सपर्ट की भी मदत ले सकते है। एप्टीटुड टेस्ट बच्चो को 11 वी में विषय लेने या करियर चुनने से पहले करवाना चाहिए, जिससे बच्चो के सफल होने की संभावना बढ़ सके।
ऑनलाइन एप्टीटुड टेस्ट आप, या किसी अन्य वेबसाइट से करा सकते है।
Expecting Why?
Why Parents are dissatisfied / disappointed with children?
If we see and try to find out people around us, why they are not satisfied with what they have? It’s good to have ambition in life; unless people have ambition they cannot achieve. Ambition is a strong desire to achieve something whereas Expectation is a strong belief that something will happen. Having a goal is one part and achieving the same is another. It is not necessary that one can achieve the set goal on first or second attempt only. Because result are directly proportionate to the effort and interest made by the scholar during preparation and on final attempt.
Now, if one has expected high but result is not as per the expectation, the person may be disappointed or sad or depressed; in this situation, the reason behind dissatisfaction is expectation! a wrong expectation can spoil the entire life of the person, whether they be Students, Parents, Business Man, Employer/Employee, Husband/Wife, Sport Person, any one or in any relation.
Husband and Wife or Wife and Mother in law are not happy with each other; the only reason is expectation, if wife expects something from her Husband or from Mother in Law and they do not react / respond as per her expectation, she will be unhappy. She will continue being unhappy because her expectation are not fulfilled (which was not even know to her Husband or Mother in Law). This is how relation spoils, resulting many problems in life.
Same way, Employer or Employees are not happy with each other. Boss is expecting something from their employee and employee is doing something else with his wisdom. Resultant is same and the reason behind dissatisfaction is also same.
Sports Person and FAN, A sport person goes into deep depression after losing a match. He may not be bad performer, but he always play to win. Sometime expectation of FANs also creates dissatisfaction in the mind of player. Their mind always feels the pleasure what happen if they will not live up to the expectation of FAN. This is actually an undue pleasure. One who is capable of handling pressure will go ahead even after failure and one who is not capable he will collapse.
Parents & Children
We also see cases of dissatisfaction between Parents and Children or Teacher and Students. From the above cited examples we can say that the reason behind dissatisfaction is expectation. Right?
What Next?
Should Parents expect less from children? Or should Teacher expect less form student?
Expectation should be high; one should not lower the bar of standards. But, expecting same performance from everybody should not be done; because every child / students are human beings, created equally by nature but with some uniqueness.
Only thing we need to understand the aptitude of child / student so that instead of expecting something from child / student we should direct/guide them in pursuing whatever they want, based on their aptitude. It is true that as a Parents / Teacher we know much better that what a child / student should do, but question is not what a child / student should do, question is what a child / student can do?
None of the livelihood earning hobbies are bad, whether it be Sports, Music, Arts, Photography, Cooking, Painting, etc. one can select any hobby as their career. Once the goal is set, now it is the responsibility of parents / teacher to direct / guide a child / student in achievement of goal.
Instead of expecting fish to fly, create history by helping a fish of lake to cross an ocean.